The Higleys and their Ancestry, an Old Colonial Family, by Mary Coffin Johnson 1896


Cover and Front Illustrations

Captain John Higley

I. Boyhood of Captain John Higley, the First American Ancestor
II. A Bit of History
III. Puritan Grandsires
IV. One of the Forefathers
V. Maternal Ancestry
VI. Ancestral Links
VII. Youth and Marriage of Captain John Higley
VIII. Early Married Life of Captain John Higley, 1671-78
IX. Business Prosperity, A Grandmother's Memories
X. Simsbury, Connecticut
XI. Public Life of Captain John Higley
XII. Captain John Higley's Second Marriage, Life's Activities
XIII. Last Scenes in Captain Higley's Life

Sketches of the First American Family of Higleys

XIV. The First American Family - John Higley, Jr.
XV. The First American Family - Jonathan Higley, 1st
XVI. The First American Family - Elizabeth Higley Bancroft
XVII. The First American Family - Katherine Higley Noble
XVIII. The First American Family - Ensign Brewster Higley, Sr.
XIX. The First American Family - Hannah Higley Trumbull
XX. The First American Family - Joseph Higley
XXI. The First American Family - Samuel Higley, 1st
XXII. The First American Family - Mindwell Higley Tisdale Fitch
XXIII. The First American Family - Sarah Higley Loomis
XXIIV. The First American Family - Nathaniel Higley
XXV. The First American Family - Josiah and Joshua Higley
XXVI. The First American Family - Abigail Higley Thorp
XXVII. The First American Family - Susannah Higley Blackman
XXVIII. The First American Family - Ensign Isaac Higley
XXIX. Descendants of Katherine Higley Noble
XXX. Brewster HIgley, 2d
XXXI. Ensign Brewster Higley, 3d
XXXII. Hannah Higley Alford Porter
XXXIII. Seth Higley 1st
XXXIV. Warren Higley, Sr., and his Descendants
XXXV. Amelia Higley Bates
XXXVI. Judge Brewster Higley, 4th
XXXVII. Erastus Higley
XXXVIII. Reverend Hervey Owen Higley
XXXIX. Descendants of Brewster Higley, 4th
XL. David Higley
XLI. Captain Joseph Higley
XLII. Jicah Higley and his Descendants
XLIII. Colonel Benjamin Higley
XLIV. Descendants of Colonel Benjamin Higley
XLV. Lieutenant Asa Higley
XLVI. Ozias Higley
XLVII. Abiel Higley
XLVIII. Simeon Higley
XLXIX. Hannah Higley Owen Mills
L. John Brown
LI. Hester Higley Case
LII. John Higley, Sr.
LIII. Hayden Higley
LIV. Carmi Higley
LV. "Deacon" Obed Higley, Sr.
LVI. Pomeroy Higley Sr.
LVII. Elizabeth Higley Mills
LVIII. Descendants of Hannah Higley Trumbull
LIX. Descendants of Governor Jonathan Trumbull, Sr.
LX. Jonathan Higley, Son of Samuel, 1st
LXI. Descendants of Jonathan Higley, Jr. (or 2d)
LXII. Hon. Jonathan Higley (3d)
LXIII. Hume Higley
LXIV. Allen Higley
LXV. Mary Higley White
LXVI. Descendants of Nathaniel Higley
LXVII. Roswell Higley
LXVIII. Family of Solomon Higley
LXIX. Lieutenant Daniel Higley
LXX. Descendants of Josiah Higley, 1st
LXXI. Descendants of Josiah Higley, 1st (?)
LXXII. Elijah Higley and his Descendants
James Higley and his Descendants

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