De Moritz Joe CLOUDT

Submitted by Helen T. Fred:
In 1890, Moritz de Cloudt was in Kirnble County, Texas, leasing land from the State of Texas; three parcels or tracts were leased in that year, with some 2,509 1/2 acres leased at 4 cents an acre, with a ten year lease beginning February 18, 1890. Conditions for each of the parcels of land were: "... Any actual settler who had acquired a right by virtue of settlement at or prior-to the date of this lease is filed for record... shall have the right to perfect his purchase . . . . " Initial payments were to be paid in advance and were $25.00, $25.60 and $37.02 for the three tracts. One tract reserved its timber rights.

In 1891, Moritz bought from J. A. Fox and J. L. Fox "... Tract or parcel of land . . . in Kimble County, Texas, on the waters of the South Llano RiverÂ… " He paid $300.00 for this on January 16, 1891.

Property purchased in 1894 was from R. W. Ragsdill and wife, Kate, ".. .Two lots or parcels of land in Junction City, Lots (5) and (8) in Block M. . - in the Western Addition of Junction City... " Cloudt paid $195.00 for these lots on March 29, 1894.

Moritz and his brother, Erich Cloudt, bought "six surveys" of land in Kimble County from William and Elsie Sultemeier for $5,000.00, and it was to be paid before June 1, 1886, at 8% interest. There were 1,920 acres in these six parcels, and they were located on the South Llano River.

A man by the name of Charles Klett from Blanco County, Texas, sold Moritz de Cloudt a "... Certain tract of land in Kimble County, State of Texas, about 9 miles SW of Junction City..." for $1,000.00. This sale was made April 28, 1886, and the land was also located on the South Llano River.

In 1901, Moritz and Celia Cloudt sold to Daniel Harrison and Elizabeth Kirkland 160 acres of land in Kimble County for the sum of $800.00. This is the year Moritz and Celia's First grandchild. Flora Irene Kirkland, was born in Roosevelt, Texas.

An interesting transaction took place in 1904 between Cloudt and Jas. Paterson (Full name not given). The two men engaged in an agreement where each was to pay the other. "... Moritz Cloudt agrees to convey and make a warrantee deed to...Jas. Paterson... about 1142.6 acres of land.... The Jas. Paterson agrees to transfer and convey and make a warrantee deed to said Moritz Cloudt... 400 acres... The said Moritz Cloudt agrees to pay $1.50 per acre...."

Now Jas. Paterson paid the said Moritz Cloudt $842.00 cash in hand; Moritz Cloudt made and executed his promissory note for his $842.00 to pay Jas. Paterson. Apparently there was a cash flow problem with Cloudt in 1904!! This same year Cloudt bought from Jas. Paterson 200 acres of land, also in Kimble County.

On July 23, 1904, Erich Cloudt of Sutton County, Texas, sold Moritz Cloudt 535 6/10 acres of State School Land in Kimble County. Cloudt had also filed for Proof of Occupancy for three years on land sold to him in 1901, and this was granted in 1904.

On 20 Sep 1905 Mortiz Cloudt became Postmaster of Roosevelt Postoffice in Kimble County.

In 1905, Moritz Cloudt bought 1/2-acre of land from W. B. Waggnor at $25.00. This 1/2-acre was part of a 10% acre subdivision. Then in 1906 Cloudt bought 1 9/10 acres from Ranee and Bessie Pettitt for a sum of $57.00, also in the County of Kimble.

In 1911 we find Moritz de Cloudt behind in a payment on some 2,014 acres of land; he owed $500.00, but was given an extension in order to enable him to pay this amount with an added 8% interest. He did in fact pay his debt and was given a release of Deed of Trust in 1912.

June 3, 1914, Moritz and Celia bought property in Edwards County. The purchase was for nine sections from Frank Cloudt; the total price was $19,000.00, with three thousand dollars paid in cash. The remaining sixteen thousand dollars was at the rate of 8% interest and paid semiannually in October and April of each year, but due October 7, 1916, and of course was subject to the usual 10% interest for attorney fees if failure to pay.

The original grantor of this land was the Galveston, Harrisburg and San Antonio Railway Company in 1898, but Frank Cloudt had bought it from John Hamlin and wife, T. B. Hamlin, April 18, 1910. The purchase by Moritz Cloudt indicates that he came to Edwards County between 1912 and 1914, as he was still in Kimble County at the time of the transaction.

On the 30th day of May 1918, Moritz and Celia Cloudt signed a Special Warranty Deed conveying seven sections of land to B. D. Sherrill for and in consideration of the sum of $8.00 per acre, with an aggregate sum of $35,840.00. The initial payment was $8,000.00 cash and "... the assuming of payments of the original purchasers.. -these included $3, 276.00 to the State of Texas, and certain promissory note. . .dated September 1, 1917, due Five years. .." This particular note was to be paid to the Estate of G. H. Moody,' deceased, and it was to be paid ". . .In United States Gold ~ Coin of the present standard and fineness with 8% interest for five years. .. " The original note on this was for $14,000.00, but was now down to $10,000.00 of the principal.

When first coming to Edwards and buying land, Moritz had bought nine sections, 'but records show he sold seven sections to B. D. Sherrill. The record of a Chain of Title shows that Cloudt sold "...Section 50 among other lands to Arthur E. Aiken on August 9, 1915. This could account for only seven sections later sold to Sherrill.

In the town of Rocksprings October 22, 1919, Moritz and Celia bought from D. H. and Elizabeth Kirkland, Block Number 50; they paid their daughter and son-in-law $1500.00 cash for the Block. (See D. H. Kirkland History) Moritz Cloudt decided to sell this same Block 50 in the town of Rocksprings in 1920, and accepted a promissory note from one J. D. Sheppard September 1, 1920, for $3,150.00, with 8% interest on any unpaid balance, but a Release of Vendor's Lein was given from Moritz Cloudt to J. D. Sheppard July 23, 1920. This same Block 50 was known as the John Sheppard place for many years, and the ten lots were intact until Mrs. Thelma Chant sold a part of the block in 1977, at which time she sold six lots, after having purchased the property in 1972, from the Sheppard family. What would Moritz de Cloudt think if he knew what he could get for his Block 50 in 1983?

Moritz and Celia Cloudt moved their family to Uvalde County where he ranched on Montell Creek; the Cloudt place was the present location of John Roger's home today.

Moritz de Cloudt died in October of 1926; Celia's death occurred in March 1932. Both are buried in the Copperas Cemetery in Kimble County, Texas. At this time, little is known about Celia Cloudt.

Cattle brands registered to Moritz de Cloudt in Kimble County were C2 and CLUT.

In 1947 the Joe Cloudt family had a reunion. All the children were there and most of their grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Moritz lived in Johnson City and helped settle the West Brook Post Office. Also lived in Blano County on Lano Junction. The Cloudt family lived on South Lano. The Sultemeiers family lived on North Lano, Big Ranch.

Kimble Co., TX Survey:
Land Survey, Blk, Grantee, Leag, Section, Abs
AB&M, , M. Cloudt, , 2, 1566
TC RR CO, , M. Cloudt, , 8, 1567
TWNG RR CO, , M. Cloudt, , 2, 1569
TC RR CO, , M. Cloudt, , 10, 1568
Moritz Cloudt, , M. Cloudt, , 413, 1239

Tombstone list birth year as 1859. 116 224 231 233 240

One source says she was born in Miss. 116

4554. De Moritz Joe CLOUDT 116 (De Richard CLOUDT11, Baron Von Pelden G. Moritz Friederich Wilhelm Cornelius CLOUDT10, Von Pelden G. Jost Friedrich Reinhard CLOUDT Chamberlain9, Von Pelden G. Mauritz Godfried CLOUDT8, Von Pelden G. Jost Wyrich Freyherr CLOUDT II7, Von Pelden G. Wyrich Adolph CLOUDT Drost6, Von Pelden G. Wilhelm Reiner CLOUDT5, Von Pelden G. Jost Wyrich CLOUDT I4, Von Pelden G. Wilhelm CLOUDT3, Van Gertruid WURM-\GUTTERSWICK2, Heinrichs (Von)1) was born on 24 May 1859 in Blanco, TX 116 and was buried after Oct 1926 in Copperas Cem., West Of Junction, Kimble, TX.116 228

Death Notes: Oct 1926

Noted events in his life were:

• He worked as a rancher BET 1888 AND 1894. 116

• He resided at NM. 116

• Joe: Joe. 116 Aka

Moritz married Cecilia ROBERTSON 116 231 233 on 20 Jul 1881 in Kyle, Hays, TX.116 Cecilia was born on 12 Mar 1862 in Blanco, TX 116 and was buried after 8 Mar 1932 in Copperas Cem., West Of Junction, Kimble, TX.116 228

Death Notes: 8 Mar 1932

Noted events in her life were:

• Celia: Celia. 116 Aka

Children from this marriage were:

4578 F    i. Elizabeth Penelope CLOUDT 116 234 247 died in Dec 1951 in Pueblo, Pueblo, CO.116

Elizabeth married Living

4579 F    ii. Cornelia CLOUDT 116 234 died on 26 Nov 1964 in Cisco, Eastland, TX.116

Cornelia married Living

4580 M    iii. Dink CLOUDT 116 233 was born on 29 Apr 1888 in Junction, TX 116 and died in 1958 in Buna Cem., Austin, Austin, TX 116 at age 70.

Dink married Living

4581 M    iv. Monroe D. CLOUDT 116 was born on 13 Feb 1890 in Telegraph, Kimble, TX,116 died on 30 Dec 1948 in Rocksprings, Edwards, TX 116 at age 58, and was buried after 30 Dec 1948 in Rocksprings Cem., Rocksprings, Edwards, TX.116

Monroe married Erie Love BELL 116 (b. Abt 1890, d. 26 Aug 1977) on 16 Jul 1913 in Monument, Lea, NM.116

4582 F    v. Mary CLOUDT .116 234

4583 F    vi. Dollie CLOUDT 116 233 234 was born on 13 Dec 1894 in Junction, Kimble, TX 116 and was buried after 2 Jul 1981 in Restlawn Cem., El Paso, El Paso, TX.116

Dollie married Living

4584 M    vii. Moritz CLOUDT Jr 116 234 died on 17 Feb 1959 in Decatur, Dekalb, GA.116

Moritz married Living

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