4501. Von Henrietta Elisabet Wilhelmina CLOUDT Lady 116 196 (Von Pelden G. Jost Wyrich Freyherr CLOUDT II7, Von Pelden G. Wyrich Adolph CLOUDT Drost6, Von Pelden G. Wilhelm Reiner CLOUDT5, Von Pelden G. Jost Wyrich CLOUDT I4, Von Pelden G. Wilhelm CLOUDT3, Van Gertruid WURM-\GUTTERSWICK2, Heinrichs (Von)1).
Birth Notes: Bef 1701
Death Notes: Aft 1740
Henrietta married Sir Captain Von STECHOW.116 197
Marriage Notes: When Henrietta, wished to marry the Prussian Captain von Stechow, her father refused the consent without any reasonable motive given, for Stechow was not only descended from a family of knightly birth; he also owned feudal estates in Pomerania; and he was a great favorite with the King. Therefore, the King autographically wrote to Jost Wyrich on the date of March 6, 1716, regarding the consent for Stechow, assuring that he would continue providing for him. That letter, even the address of it, is entirely written by the hand of the King and is very distinctly and well written. Despite this, he was not willing to agree because of mere aversion to Prussia. It is not to be wondered at that, hereby, he would entirely incur the King's displeasure. He also didn't gain anything thereby; for, in the long run, he couldn't hinder the marriage of his daughter. Already, in 1708, the Royal Exchequer had claimed the liberties of the noble families. Decrees and minues in this matter were passed which, however, were too evident in order to be able to abloish that immunity. However, the trials to do so continued up till 1736 when the matter was referred "ad Ordinarium" and formal legal proceedings ere taken. The sentence passed in 1747 couldn't be otherwise than turning out favorably; and the exemptions were preserved. They had, however, excepted therefrom quite extraordinary cases of emergency which, later on, repeatedly gave rise to discussions. The proprietors, however, never gave in and preserved their privileges until these went down during the French Revolution. Just so, they had to carry a lawsuit against the "Fisc", which they also won. Then a change was also made with Bloemersheim. The castle was situated half on Guelderland, half on Moers territory. The boundary was drawn behind the moat of the castle whereby the whole house became Moers territory. There couldn't be much said against it. It was, however, exceedingly unfair that, thereby, the Bloemersheim Estate lost its right of diet for Guelderland in the "Landtag" [Prussian Parliament]. As a part of the Guelderian territory until then, the owners had gone to the diet as representatives of Moers, as well as of Geldern; and, furthermore, they lost the hunting license across the whole bailiwick up to the gate of the city of Geldern without any minimum of compensation.
Stechow possessed means, was much liked by the King, and his military charge as a Colonel, and as an Honorary Colonel of a regiment, was a remunerative one. He died as a commander of Breslau. However, his wife was no manageress and lived in great style, so that Stechow left little or nothing. Already before, she had sold her parental property: to a large extent, to her sister Charlotte; to some extent, also, to her eldest brother. After the death of her husband, she became a mistress of the robes with the "Markgrafin von Brandenburg-Schwedt", to whom the King had assigned a fortress as residence, because of certain considerations. There she had a princely suite of her own, but was allowed, however, to stay a certain distance from the city. Lady von Stechow should have been the mistress of the robes of the princess in the proper sense, and she should have attended her. However, she left too much independence to the princess; and, as that was impracticable for long, she saw herself compelled to quit the service. Then Lady von Stechow went to Moers, was sustained by her relatives, and died there. besides the unimportant share in Stein, she left little or nothing to her children. Nevertheless, all the children had been well provided for. The three sons were in the Prussian army.</blockquote>
Bet 1716 And 1738 116
Children from this marriage were:
4509 M i. Von Colonel STECHOW 116 died in Selesia.116
4510 M ii. Living
4511 M iii. Living
4512 F iv. Living
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