The family moved to Edwards County the year he was born 1892 and established large ranch holdings north of Rocksprings. Mr. Cloudt graduated from Rocksprings High School and attended Alamo Business College in San Antonio, Texas. He returned to Rocksprings to engage in the ranching business.
Otto and Lyda lived on the Cloudt Headquarters Ranch until 1919 when they moved to the Bunton Ranch which they owned and managed, and at the present time (1983) is owned by their five children.
In 1943 Mr. and Mrs. Cloudt moved to town and occupied the A. W. Owens residence. Mr. Cloudt commuted to the ranch as long as his health permitted. He was in ill health for several years and died at the Edwards County Memorial Hospital
Also reported as 20 Jan 1892. 116 133 249
Lyda moved to Edwards County when she was four years old and made her home with her aunt and uncle, Anthony Wayne Owens and Mary Emma Glasscock Owens. After graduation from Rocksprings Public Schools, she attended Business College in Waco, Texas, and later kept books in her Uncle's store and worked for the Rocksprings Telephone Co. Lyda had two brothers, Troy Owens (Slick) of Rocksprings and Tony Owens of Brady, Texas, and one sister, Emma Belle Owens Rote, of San Antonio, Texas, all of whom proceeded her in death.
Lydia Cloudt was very active in civic, social and church affairs; she was one of the first women who ever served as a trustee for the Rocksprings Public Schools. She was a past president of the American Legion Auxiliary and the Merry Heart Study Club. She served as Worthy Matron of the Eastern Star and treasurer of the Rocksprings Woman's Club for six years. She was a member of the Baptist Church for seventy years. In 1963 she was chosen "Mother of the Year" by the Rocksprings Woman's Club. In 1968 she was chosen queen of the Old Settlers Reunion. In May 1983, she received a "Distinguished Citizen Award" in appreciation for long and faithful service to the growth and development of Edwards County.
Mrs. Cloudt continued to live in town after her husband's death and was active in civic affairs until her health declined in 1977.
Lyda died in San Antonio, Texas, at the home of her youngest daughter, Mary Emma Cloudt Winkenhower, September 4, 1983, and was buried in the Rocksprings Cemetery beside Mr. Cloudt. Mr. and Mrs. Cloudt had eleven grandchildren and twelve great grandchildren. 116 133 234 251
4570. Otto Bismark CLOUDT Sr 116 (De Frank CLOUDT Sr12, De Richard CLOUDT11, Baron Von Pelden G. Moritz Friederich Wilhelm Cornelius CLOUDT10, Von Pelden G. Jost Friedrich Reinhard CLOUDT Chamberlain9, Von Pelden G. Mauritz Godfried CLOUDT8, Von Pelden G. Jost Wyrich Freyherr CLOUDT II7, Von Pelden G. Wyrich Adolph CLOUDT Drost6, Von Pelden G. Wilhelm Reiner CLOUDT5, Von Pelden G. Jost Wyrich CLOUDT I4, Von Pelden G. Wilhelm CLOUDT3, Van Gertruid WURM-\GUTTERSWICK2, Heinrichs (Von)1) was born on 22 Jan 1892 in Kimble, TX,116 died on 29 May 1969 in Edwards County Memorial Hospital, Rocksprings, Edwards, TX 116 at age 77, and was buried after 29 May 1969 in Rocksprings Cem., Rocksprings, Edwards, TX.116
Otto married Lyda Adeene OWENS.116 Lyda was born on 4 Apr 1896 in Lampasas, Lampasas, TX,116 died on 4 Sep 1983 in San Antonio, Bexar, TX 116 at age 87, and was buried after 4 Sep 1983 in Rocksprings Cem., Rocksprings, Edwards, TX.116
Marriage Notes: 24 Feb 1915
Children from this marriage were:
4600 F i. Living
4601 M ii. Living
Living married Janet Lillian LACHELE 116 133 234 (d. 16 May 1999) on 28 Jun 1941 in Kerrville, Kerr, TX.116
4602 M iii. Living
4603 F iv. Mary Emma CLOUDT 116 was born on 18 May 1920 in Rocksprings, Edwards, TX.116
Mary married Harry Oliver WINKENHOWER Sr 116 (d. 1 Mar 1970) on 9 Aug 1940 in San Antonio, Bexar, TX.116
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