Thomas' birth date can be estimated since Vivian and Westcote ordered the sons, and sons 3 through 6 have known records. Bowman estimates Thomas' birth as 1530. Vivian lists only the first three sons of Thomas and Margaret Trethford, Westcote lists only the first two, the remaining are from the Walter and Harry chart. Gilbert is evidently the oldest since Christopher is listed as the 2 sonne and Josias the 3 sonne.
1. [S65] Deanna Holcomb Bowman Thomas Holcomb and other Simsbury, Connecticut Settlers, Vol. II:Pg. 164/Item 11211. 29
1956. Thomas HOLCOMBE 29 (Ellis7, Charles6, Roger5, John4, John (Sir)3, Walter De2, Symon De1) was born about 1530 in Hole, Devon, England.29
Thomas married Margaret TRETFORD 29 in 1559.29 Margaret was born in 1537.29 Another name for Margaret was Margaret TRETIRFE.29
The child from this marriage was:
1957 M i. Gilbert HOLCOMBE 29 was born in 1559 29 and died in 1624 29 at age 65.
Gilbert married Ann COURTNEY.29
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