Thirdly, the third brother, Johan Vincent Emilius Philip Carl, seignior at Sollbruggen, was in Dutch military service. He had married Lady E. I. von Nunnum named Ducker from Aldenhof, from a good old family; however, without means. She converted to the Protestant Church. He fell in the Battle at Raucourt in 1746, in his 35th year of age, and left only two daughters. After the death of her husband, the widow resided with her two children at Moers until 1754, when, one night, she stole away with her children and fled to the Monastery of Neuwerck, reconverting to the Roman Catholic Church. They intended to make her come back, or, at the least, to deliver the children to the relatives. That caused a great deal of circumstantial correspondence and badly advised and useless remonstrances on the part of the President, with Berlin and Bonn. The eldest of those daughters, Henriette, heiress at Solbruggen, married during the Seven Years' War, a French officer, Bartholomaeus du Prat, from which marriage several children are alive. The parents sold the Sollbruggen Estate. The other daughter, Charlotta, was married to Johan Friederich Freyherr von Weyenhorst zur Dunck. 116 206
Converted from Roman Catholic to Protestantism and then in 1754 reconverted back to Roman Catholic. 116 206
4506. Von Johan Vincent Emilius Philip Carl CLOUDT 116 (Von Pelden G. Jost Wyrich Freyherr CLOUDT II7, Von Pelden G. Wyrich Adolph CLOUDT Drost6, Von Pelden G. Wilhelm Reiner CLOUDT5, Von Pelden G. Jost Wyrich CLOUDT I4, Von Pelden G. Wilhelm CLOUDT3, Van Gertruid WURM-\GUTTERSWICK2, Heinrichs (Von)1) died in 1746 in Battle At Raucourt.116
Birth Notes: 1711
Johan married Von E. I. NUNNUM Lady.116
Children from this marriage were:
4521 F i. Living
4522 F ii. Living
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