Von Wilhelm Adolph Johan CLOUDT Baron and Johanna MACALESTER
Husband Von Wilhelm Adolph Johan CLOUDT Baron 6
Born: - Abt 1712 6 Baptized: Died: 1750 - Ijpern 6 Buried:
Father: Von Pelden G. Jost Wyrich Freyherr CLOUDT II ( - ) 6 Mother: Von Elisabet Magdalena Marquerite KINSKY ( - ) 6
Marriage: - 1742
Wife Johanna MACALESTER 6,161
Born: Baptized: Died: - Wesel 6 Buried:
1 F Living (details have been suppressed)
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:Spouse: Living
2 F Living (details have been suppressed)
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
3 M Living (details have been suppressed)
Born: Baptized: Died: Buried:
General Notes (Husband)
Fifthly, the fourth and youngest brother, Wilhelm Adolph Johan, had also served in the Dutch army. He had acquired the feudal estates of Harbus and Vowinckler, which his son sold later for 24,000 Rthlr., after having received them in the partition with his two sisters. Said Wilhelm Adolph was the first Cloudt who was misallied by marrying, in 1742, a certain Johanna Macalester, daughter of the Scottish Lieutenant. This was very annoying to the family. He died of a virulent fever at Ijpern in 1750, and left one son and two daughters, who came under the guardianship of the President. Perhaps that guardianship also had much influence on the education of those children. Not all the merit can be withheld from the widowed mother therein. On the contrary, it must be said in her praise that she did not try to let their children have a middle-class education, but educated them in accordance with the principles of birth and rank of their deceased father. She, herself, lived and entirely kept to her husband's rank, to which the marriage had raised her. Wiselyh, however, she knew to avoid that intolerable and inconvenient pride which so easily comes to pass in such unequal marriages. If the mother does not go from one extreme to the other: namely, educating her children according to the manners and customs of the middle class; and, then, generally trying early to inspire indifference in them and, perhaps, even disdain of the privileges of birth. Therefore, she had been liked and esteemed by all classes. She lived several years with her son-in-law, the later General von Scholer at Wesel, where she also died. She had two brothers who had died as colonels in Dutch service. Later on, they wished to furnish proof that the Macalester descended from the old Scottish kings. That was, however, quite ineffective, since the children, thereby, couldn't be made capitulars. The two daughters had been brought up in Holland where there were, at that time, the best educational establishments of young ladies of rank. Therefore, they had received a very good education, in accordance with their rank.
Died of virulent fever. 6,161
General Notes (Wife)
She lived several years with her son-in-law, the later General von Scholer at Wesel, where she also died. 6
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